
    Travel Tips That Will Get You Far!

    Ready to begin with your own travel plan? Do you know where to start or how to begin? Do you know what will work for you and your budget? If you have no clue how to answer these last couple questions, the tips that are listed below are for you.

    Make arrangements for your pets while you will be away. Have a neighbor or friend come over to feed, walk and check in on them, at least once per day. They will feel more secure knowing that they will have fresh food and water and will be less stir crazy than if they were left alone for a long period of time.

    If you are squished for space while traveling by air, take advantage of every inch. Take the magazines out of the pocket in front of you and move them instead to the overhead bin. Depending on the size of the magazines, you could have bought yourself a couple of extra inches.

    You may want to use the restroom before boarding the plane, if possible. You will be much more comfortable using a restroom that is on steady ground and that has a good amount of room to move around. Once on the plane, you never know how long someone will need the restroom and you don’t want to take that chance.

    If you’re traveling with kids, buy each child their own disposable camera. Tell them to take pictures of anything they find interesting. If they fill it up before the trip is over, you can get them another one fairly cheap. Then they’ll have something to remember all the things they liked – you’d be surprised how different the pictures your kid takes are from yours.

    Keep your money discreetly tucked away while traveling. It would be terrible to be stuck in a foreign place with no way to pay for necessities. Put cash on a money clip and hide it in a secret place. Try to carry the minimum amount of money with you so that you do not risk losing much.

    Do not take your sleep aids until the aircraft has actually left the ground. The last thing you want to do is have a technical issue that requires you to change planes after you have taken sleep medication. Carrying your luggage halfway across the airport while trying not to fall asleep is not a pleasant endeavor.

    If you are not interested in striking up a conversation with your seat mates, make sure you bring along big, noise-cancelling headphones. Most people will not try to strike up a conversation with someone who is obviously not interested in talking. These have the added bonus of blocking out the sounds of babies crying or people chatting while you relax.

    When going on a cruise, wear your room key around your neck, on a lanyard or similar item. Losing your room key on a cruise ship can cost you greatly, not only in money, but in lost time. Keeping your key with you wherever you go can insure that you, and your belongings, will be safe.

    Whether you are traveling within your own country or going overseas, it is a good idea to follow some basic safety precautions to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of crime. Wearing expensive clothes and jewelry can set you up as a prime target for theft. Carry credit cards or traveler’s checks instead of large amounts of cash. Keep an eye on your luggage, and do not allow strangers to leave packages with you under any circumstances, even momentarily.

    Buy American souvenirs to barter overseas. Stop at a local dollar store and pick up small souvenirs like postcards, t-shirts, and tiny replicas of famous landmarks. Foreigners love these trinkets, and they will go out of their way to get them. Bring them along and use them to get a souvenir that you have always wanted.

    Make the traveling process a little easier by ensuring that you always reserve your seat when you book your flight. If you aren’t allowed to, keep going back to the airline or booking engine until you can. You may not like your choices but still select a seat and keep going back to see if you can change it. Also, keep in mind that you are more likely to get an exit-row seat if you check-in early at the airport, because they are not available online. Following these steps will help you get the seat that you desire for your flight.

    Try to schedule layovers that are a minimum of two hours. While direct or nonstop flights should be your first choice, sometimes a layover is inevitable. By scheduling a long layover, you may slightly increase your travel time, but you will also be less likely to miss a connecting flight if there is a delay.

    Use the airline miles you have accumulated to save the cost of the flights to a destination. There is really no good reason to save them if you are looking to make some travel plans, but look into the conversion of cash to airline miles. If your flight costs less than $300 you may want to go ahead and pay for them with cash.

    Try wearing a vest that you can pack a lot of stuff in and to easily get past airport security. You can fit nearly anything small in these including your money and valuables. This way, you won’t have to worry about stolen purse or bags full of your cash or other small valuables.

    Only prepay for packages if you know that there is no way that you will have to shift dates. If you do prepay, make sure that you look into the cancellation policies so you do not lose out on the money that you have prepaid onto it if you should have to cancel.

    Do you know how to begin your own travel plan now? Can you now find a place to begin with it? Do you know what will work for you and your budget? If you can now provide answers to these questions, then you have read and understood the previous tips and are ready to plan better trips.

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